• Booklists,  Nature

    Moon Theme

    Often with nature studies we find ourselves looking downwards – searching for animal prints, seeking insects amongst the leaves or watching new bulbs peeking through the soil. But it can be just as exciting to look up and investigate the wonders of the sky.  For all those exploring the moon with their little ones, this booklist is for you! A mixture of gentle tales, fun adventures and fascinating facts to spark curiosity and inspire new projects! I hope you enjoy this list! Do let me know which books your little bookworms are loving! Drop a comment below, or come and chat about all things books with me over on Instagram…

  • Booklists,  Festivals & Celebrations

    Top 10 Christmas Picture Books

    Christmas is one of those wonderful seasons that has it’s own set of books – beautiful stories that capture the spirit of Christmastime with familiar faces and snowy settings. Many families create a Christmas book basket, adding to it with each returning year as they find new favourites. This is such a lovely idea and very simple to implement. It ticks a number of boxes – keeping things in one handy location to bring out each year (good for feeling organised!), making it part of your traditions in the run up to Christmas (why not pop the basket under the tree), creating the excitement of new bedtime stories and the…